Abstract | U ovom radu bit će riječ o proračunu, bruto domaćem proizvodu, javnom dugu, a u posebnom poglavlju o svemu tome u vrijeme koronakrize. Proračun! Pojam kojim se možemo baviti kako unutar kućnog budžeta, firme tako i na nivou države. U Republici Hrvatskoj imamo tri razine proračuna, razna tijela koja se bave planiranjem proračuna, a taj proračun na kraju mora usvojiti Hrvatski sabor. Svaki proračun ima svoju funkciju, načela i strukturu. Kako je proračun u biti prikaz prihoda i rashoda, posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na njihov odnos. Idealno bi bilo kad bi prihodovna strana bila veća od rashodovne, ali na žalost većina proračuna od nastanka naše države bavi se većom rashodovnom stranom od prihodovne. Ukupne prihode i rashode proračuna mjeri BDP. BDP se koristi u ocjeni ekonomskog stanja neke države. Veći BDP pokazuje da su prihodi viši, da će doći do rasta zaposlenosti i dohotka. Manji BDP znači da je u blagajni manje novca, da će se manje trošiti, da država ulazi u recesiju, a iz jedne takve upravo sad izlazi i Republika Hrvatska. Manje novca u državnoj blagajni Vlada mora nekako namaknuti, uglavnom zaduživanjem i povećanjem poreza. Sve to našu državu prati od osnutka, a onda još jedan izazov. Taj izazov bila je pandemija koronavirusom koja je došla iznenada, velikom brzinom poharala čitav svijet i zahtijevala brza rješenja za izlaz iz te situacije. Od prve smrti koja je zabilježena u Kini 9. siječnja 2020. g. do kraja siječnja već su mnoge zemlje imale prve slučajeve, a 11. ožujka proglašena je pandemija, što dovoljno govori o brzini širenja virusa. Prvi slučaj u Hrvatskoj bio je 25. veljače 2020. g. Vlada je u ožujku donijela paket od 63 mjere za pomoć građanstvu od kojih su najvažnije bile odgoda javnih davanja, osiguranje minimalne plaće i krediti za likvidnost. Mjere su bile dobrodošle, ali virus je bio neumoljiv. Izazvao je sve više poteškoća, zdravstvenih i ekonomskih te je došlo do zatvaranja svijeta na globalnoj razini. Mjere koje su donesene rezultirale su velikim izdacima, smanjenjem prihoda i rebalansom proračuna. Rebalansom se prihodi smanjuju, a rashodi ostaju isti, napravljene su dozvoljene preraspodjele da bi se došlo do određenih ušteda. U 2021. g. planirani prihodi proračuna temelje se na očekivanom oporavku gospodarstva koji se nastavlja i u sljedećoj godini, koja je godina oporavka od krize. Oporavak se osjetno vidio u turizmu koji je u vrijeme zatvaranja pretrpio velike štete, ali kako su turisti naučili živjeti s pandemijom, a turističke djelatnosti s krizom, turizam se brzo oporavio. Burza rada je isto osjetila posljedice krize i suočila se s porastom broja nezaposlenosti. Situacija se i tu promijenila. Hrvati i dalje odlaze u potragu za poslom u zapadne zemlje, ali Hrvatska uvozi radnu snagu iz drugih zemalja. Uglavnom ostavili smo tri turbulentne godine iza sebe, naviknuli se na suživot s koronavirusom, ali i ne samo to ostavili smo i kunu iza sebe i prihvatili euro. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper, we will focus on gross domestic product, public debt and certain time periods important for the economic stability of our country. Budget! A term that may deal both within the household budget, companies, but also at the state level. In the Republic of Croatia, we have three sizes, various bodies that deal with budget planning, and that budget must be harmonized by the Croatian Parliament. Each budget has its own function, principle and structure. As the budget is essentially shown revenues, special attention must be paid to their relationship. It would be ideal if the incoming side was higher than the expenditure side, but also, unfortunately, a larger number of residents of our country who are already dealing with the expenditure side since arrivals. Here we decided on the problem of imagining the financial deficit, which is mostly borrowed by the state on the domestic and foreign markets. Total revenues and total expenditures oft he budget are measured bx GDP. GDP is use din the evaluation of the economic condition od a country. A higher GDP shows that incones are higher, that there will b ean increase in employment and incone. A lower GDP means that there is less money int he coffers, that i less will be spent, that the country is entering a recession, and we are just now coming out od one. Less money int he state coffers zhe govemment has to make up somehow, mainly by borrowing and increa sing taxes. All this has followed our country since its foundation, and then abother challenge. That challenge was the corona cirus oandemic that came studdenly, ravaged the entire world with lightning speed and demanded quick solutions to get out oft hat situation. From the first death recorded in China on 9. 1. 2020. to the end of January, many countries alrea dy had their first caases and a pandemic was declared on 11. 3, which speaks volumes about the speed oft he spread oft he cirus. The dirst case in Croatia was on 25. 2. 2020. In March, the govermment adopted a package of a 63 measures to help citizens, the most important od wich were the posrponement of public benefits, minimum wage insurance and liquidity loans. The measures came in handy, but the virus was relentless. It caused more health and economic difficulties and there was a global shut down oft he world. The measures that were a dopted resulted in large expenditures, a decrease in income and rebalancing oft he budget, whit the rebalancingm the incomes are reduced, whil the expenses remain the same, redistributions are allowed in order to achuve certain savings. In 2021 the planned revenues oft he budget are based on the expectedrecovery oft he economy, which continues int he next year, which is the year of recovery from the crisis. The recovery was noticeable in tourism, which suffered great damage at the time oft he closure, but as tourists leamd to live with the pandemic, and tourism businesses learned ti live with crisis, tourism quickly recovered. The labor market also felt the consequences oft he crisis and face san increase in inemployment, the situation has changed there as well. Croats still go to westem countries in search of work, but Croatia imports labor from other countries. For the most part, we have left three turbulent years behindus. They were drawn to coexist with the corona virus, but not only that, we also left the kuna behind and accepted the euro. |