Abstract | Diplomski rad posvećen je temi koja nas je zaokupila pune dvije godine, a čije posljedice osjećamo i dan danas na svim poljima, pa tako i na polju prekovremenih sati radnika u zdravstvu, njihovih naknada, nagrada i nagodbi na čemu je i naglasak ovog rada. Analizom dostupnih podataka pobliže je prikazan tijek rada, truda i besprijekornog zalaganja zdravstvenih radnika koji su uvelike doprinijeli rješavanju posljedica Covid-19 virusa upravo svojim radom i skrbi za pacijente koji su iz dana u dan bili sve ugroženiji, a kraj nismo sa sigurnošću mogli odrediti. Iz toga proizlazi da je zalaganje zdravstvenih radnika moralo rezultirati ne samo njihovom osobnom ugrozom već i brojnim prekovremenim satima, za koje naravno trebaju i trebali bi biti adekvatno plaćeni kao i nagrađeni. Jasno je da ponekad ono što bi trebalo biti, i o čemu jasno govori zakon, nekad potpuno drugačije izgleda u stvarnosti i primjeni istog. Obavljajući svoj posao koji je prelazio sve granice normalnog, a novo „normalno“ postalo sastavni dio života očekivalo se, iako se o tome tada možda i nije razmišljalo, da će ti radnici biti adekvatno plaćeni te da će im se osigurati sredstva za isplatu. Stoga je prikazan tijek rješavanja istog iz aspekta pravnog rješavanja mnogobrojnih tužbenih zahtjeva kojima su radnici u sustavu zdravstva zatražili zaštitu zbog pogrešnog obračuna prekovremenih sati, a koje je kulminiralo u vrijeme pandemije Covid-19. Naime, navedeni problem postoji u zdravstvenom sustavu od 2013. godine. Predmetni sporovi vodili su se pred Općinskim sudovima koji su donosili odluke većinom u korist podnositelja tužbenih zahtjeva. Međutim, ulaganjem žalbi i drugih pravnih lijekova troškovi vođenja predmetnih sporova ekspanzivno su rasli iz godine u godinu. Navedenu situaciju prekinula je presuda Vrhovnog suda od 9. prosinca 2019. godine kojom je definirano da liječnici kod obračuna prekovremenih sati imaju pravo na sve dodatke za posebne uvjete rada, odgovornost i znanstvene titule, kao i kod obračuna redovnih sati. Spomenuta presuda predstavlja prekretnicu u postupanju poslodavaca u odnosu na potraživanja radnika u slučaju pogrešnog obračuna prekovremenih sati. Međutim, budući da je predmetna presuda riješila problem obračunavanja prekovremenih sati za sve djelatnike koji rade u sustavu zdravstva, otvorila su se pitanja rješavanja navedenog problema s radnicima koji nisu podnijeli tužbene zahtjeve radi zaštite svojih prava u istom predmetu, a koji su, također u navedenom razdoblju ostvarili prekovremeni rad. Rješenje novonastalog problema realizirano je na način da su navedeni radnici pristupili potpisivanju sporazuma s poslodavcem kojim se istima isplatila razlika neisplaćenog dijela pod uvjetom da potpisivanjem istoga radnik neće imati daljnjih potraživanja prema poslodavcu po pitanju obračuna prekovremenih sati u navedenom razdoblju, odnosno od 2013. do 2019.godine. Rješavanje ovog problema koji je u zdravstvenom sustavu trajao od 2013. do 2019. godine za sve je dionike sustava rezultiralo pozitivnim rezultatom u smislu funkcioniranja zdravstvenog sustava, očuvanja radnih mjesta i većeg zadovoljstva radnika. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis is dedicated to the topic that has occupied us for two years, and whose consequences we feel today in all fields, including in the field of overtime hours of health care professionals, their fees, awards and settlements, on which the emphasis of this work is placed. The analysis of available data shows the workflow, efforts and impeccable efforts of health care professionals who greatly contributed to solving the consequences of the COVID-19 virus through their work and care for patients who were increasingly at risk from day to day, and we could not determine the end with certainty. It follows that the efforts of health professionals must have resulted not only in their personal threat but also in numerous overtime hours, for which they of course need and should be adequately remunerated as well as rewarded. It is clear that sometimes what should be, and what the law clearly speaks of, sometimes looks completely different in reality and application. Performing their work that went beyond the bounds of normal, and the new “normal” became an integral part of life, it was expected, even though this might not have been considered at the time, that these professionals would be adequately paid and that they would be provided with the means to pay. Therefore, the process of resolving the same from the aspect of legal resolving numerous claims to which health care professionals have applied for protection due to miscalculation of overtime, which culminated during the COVID-19 pandemic, is presented. This problem has been in the healthcare system since 2013.The disputes at issue were brought before the Municipal Courts, which took decisions mainly in favor of the claimants. However, by filing appeals and other legal remedies, the costs of conducting preliminary disputes increased extensively year after year. The aforementioned situation was interrupted by the Supreme Court judgment of 9 December 2019, which stipulates that doctors are entitled to all additions to special working conditions, responsibilities and scientific titles when calculating overtime hours, as well as when calculating regular hours.That judgment constitutes a turning point in the way employers deal with employees' claims in the event of an erroneous calculation of overtime. However, since the judgment at issue resolved the problem of calculating overtime for all healthcare professionals, it raised issues of resolving that problem for professionals who did not lodge claims in order to protect their rights in the same case, who also left overtime during that period. The solution to the new problem was relieved in such a way that the said professionals entered into an agreement with the employer which paid the difference in the unpaid part, provided that by signing the same, the worker would not have any further claims against the employer regarding the calculation of overtime in the said period, i.e. from 2013 to 2019. Addressing this problem in the healthcare system from 2013 to 2019 has resulted in a positive result for all system stakeholders in terms of the functioning of the healthcare system, the preservation of jobs and greater worker satisfaction. |
Study programme | Title: Business Administration – MBA; specializations in: Financial Management, Taxes and Business Law, Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Behavioral Economics, Analytical Management Course: Taxes and Business Law Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar poslovnog upravljanja (magistar poslovnog upravljanja) |