Abstract | Zaokupljenost pitanjem javne nabave proizlazi iz same činjenice da se u tom procesu nabavljaju i kupuju robe, usluge i radovi proračunskim i drugim javnim sredstvima od poduzeća u privatnom i/ili državnom vlasništvu. S obzirom na to da izdvajanja za javnu nabavu čine znatan dio proračunskih sredstava u mnogim državama svijeta, koji na globalnoj razini dosežu i do 12 % BDP-a i 29 % proračunskih sredstava, od javnih institucija očekuje se da javnu nabavu provode učinkovito uz primjenu načela „najbolje vrijednosti za novac“ i uz visoke standarde etičkog i moralnog ponašanja kako bi se osigurala visoka razina kvalitete zadovoljenja javnih potreba i zaštitio javni interes. Javna nabava jedno je od ključnih područja financijske interakcije javnog i privatnog sektora o kojoj se posljednjih godina raspravlja kao instrumentu provedbe mjera i ciljeva ekonomske politike. Važnim pitanjem, stoga, postaje njena učinkovitost i rizici koji proizlaze iz institucionalnog karaktera javne nabave. Regulatornim instrumentima nastoje se pronaći rješenja kojima bi se postigla transparentnost, stvorile prilike za poslovne subjekte i uspostavilo tržište javne nabave temeljeno na jednakim uvjetima tržišnog natjecanja. Složenost odnosa na tržištu javne nabave, veliki obujam transakcija i ograničena konkurencija potencijalna su prilika za pojavu rizika manipulacije informacijama, sukoba privatnog i javnog interesa, neracionalnog upravljanja javnim sredstvima, koruptivnih aktivnosti i drugih nesavršenosti. Stalnim preispitivanjem učinaka regulatornih mjera stvaraju se prilike za promjene u zakonodavstvima koja donose poboljšanja u postupcima javne nabave stavljajući naglasak na ostvarenje društvenih ciljeva, smanjenje posljedica različitih nezakonitih aktivnosti u postupcima javne nabave, što će poslužiti gospodarskim subjektima i drugim obveznicima provođenja javne nabave te pravosuđu, doprinijeti i samoj Republici Hrvatskoj u njezinu sazrijevanju u društvo razvijenog tržišnog gospodarstva i održivog razvoja. Slijedom navedenog, kao zainteresirani praktičar koji je uključen u postupke javne nabave, a potaknut pojedinim nelogičnostima nacionalne sudske prakse i odlukama DKOM-a i VUS-a, u ovom radu autor će se referirati na Unijino zakonodavstvo i presude Suda EU-a, uz istodobno kritičko opažanje postojećih pravnih okvira te problemske situacije iz prakse, kao i posljedice različitih nezakonitih aktivnosti u tim postupcima. Ovaj diplomski rad je strukturiran u pet poglavlja koji međusobnom povezanošću tvore cjelinu. U prvom poglavlju predstavlja se generalni uvod, svrha, cilj te struktura rada. Okosnica rada su tri direktive Europske unije „novijeg doba“ (2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU i 2014/25/EU) i Zakon o javnoj nabavi Republike Hrvatske (2016.) te, što nije zanemarivo, načela nastala praksom Suda Europske unije i pravna stečevina stvorena dugogodišnjim radom toga suda te zakonodavna aktivnost Europske unije na području javne nabave i pravni lijekovi što se definira u drugom poglavlju. Kroz treće poglavlje teorijski se obrađuje pravna zaštita u RH te su posebno istaknuti i analizirani pojedini članci Zakona o javnoj nabavi, Narodne novine br. 120/16, koji je stupio na snagu 1. siječnja 2017. godine i o čemu će biti više riječi na primjerima iz prakse Državne komisije za kontrolu postupaka javne nabave i Visokog upravnog suda Republike Hrvatske u idućem poglavlju. U četvrtom dijelu rada, koji je ujedno i najzanimljiviji, prikazuju se pojedini primjeri iz sudske prakse u RH, zakonska regulativa te primjena pojedinih pravnih lijekova i instituta kroz kritički osvrt. Posljednji dio, zaključak, predstavlja sintezu cjelokupnog rada. Nakon zaključka slijede dodaci radu (popis korištene literature, stručnih članaka, portala i slika). |
Abstract (english) | Preoccupation with the issue of public procurement stems from the very fact that in this process, goods, services and works are procured and purchased with budgetary and other public funds from privately and/or state-owned companies. Given that allocations for public procurement make up a significant part of budget funds in many countries of the world, reaching up to 12% of GDP and 29% of budget funds at the global level, public institutions are expected to carry out public procurement effectively with the application of the principle of 'best value for money' and with high standards of ethical and moral behavior to ensure a high level of quality in meeting public needs and protect the public interest. Public procurement is one of the key areas of financial interaction between the public and private sectors, which has been discussed in recent years as an instrument for the implementation of economic policy measures and goals. An important issue, therefore, is its effectiveness and the risks arising from the institutional nature of public procurement. Regulatory instruments are used to find solutions that would achieve transparency, create opportunities for business entities and establish a public procurement market based on equal conditions of market competition. The complexity of relations on the public procurement market, the large volume of transactions and limited competition are a potential opportunity for the risk of manipulation of information, conflicts of private and public interest, irrational management of public funds, corrupt activities and other imperfections. By constantly reviewing the effects of regulatory measures, opportunities are created for changes in legislation that bring improvements in public procurement procedures, placing emphasis on the achievement of social goals, reducing the consequences of various illegal activities in public procurement procedures, which will serve economic entities and other parties liable for the implementation of public procurement, as well as the judiciary, to contribute to the Republic of Croatia itself in its maturation into a society of developed market economy and sustainable development. Reading and understanding the jurisprudence of the Court of the EU is a specific legal task, different from reading and understanding domestic judicial practice. The difference stems from the function of the European Union, the degree of legal connection between the acquis communautaire and national legislation (mainly directives as a legislative tool) and the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU. Following the above, as an interested practitioner who is involved in public procurement procedures, and motivated by certain illogicalities of national court practice and decisions of DKOM and VUS, in this paper the author will refer to EU legislation and judgments of the EU Court, with a simultaneous critical observation existing legal frameworks and problematic situations from practice, as well as the consequences of various illegal activities in these procedures. This specialist thesis is structured in five chapters, which form a whole by their interconnection. The first chapter presents a general introduction, purpose and goal of the work, as well as the structure of the work. The backbone of the work is the three directives of the European Union of the "new era" (2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU) and the Law on Public Procurement of the Republic of Croatia (2016) and, which is not negligible, the principles created by practice The Court of the European Union and the legal acquis created by the long-term work of that court, as well as the legislative activity of the European Union in the field of public procurement and legal remedies, which is defined in the second chapter. Through the third chapter, legal protection in the Republic of Croatia is treated theoretically, and certain articles of the Law on Public Procurement, Narodne novine no. 120/16, which entered into force on January 1, 2017 and which will be discussed in more detail using examples from the practice of the State Commission for Control of Public Procurement Procedures and the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia in the next chapter. In the fourth part of the work, which is also the most interesting, some examples from judicial practice in the Republic of Croatia, legal regulations and the application of certain legal remedies and institutes are presented through a critical review. The last part, the conclusion, presents a synthesis of the entire work. After the conclusion, there are appendices to the work (list of used literature, expert articles, portals and pictures). |