Abstract Ovršni postupak u Republici Hrvatskoj igra ključnu ulogu u osiguravanju naplate dugovanja vjerovnika u situacijama kada dužnici ne podmire svoje obveze. Ovaj diplomski rad analizira provedbu ovrhe kroz dva pravna okvira – Ovršni zakon (OZ) i Opći porezni zakon (OPZ). Dok OZ regulira opće civilnopravne odnose između fizičkih i pravnih osoba, OPZ se primarno bavi naplatom poreznih dugova i odnosi se na porezne obveznike. Rad nudi komparativnu analizu ovih zakona, fokusirajući se na njihove sličnosti i razlike u tumačenju i provedbi ovrhe, s ciljem razumijevanja njihovih učinaka na vjerovnike i dužnike. Uvodni dio rada daje povijesni pregled razvoja ovršnog postupka, od crkvenih sudova koji su u srednjem vijeku rješavali sporove vezane za dugove, do modernizacije pravnog sustava u 19. stoljeću. Ovaj povijesni razvoj doveo je do složenijih i učinkovitijih metoda ovrhe, što je omogućilo humaniji pristup dužnicima. Sadržajno je rad podijeljen tako da usporedno prati oba zakona u njihovim normativnim odredbama, od sudionika u postupku, preko načela, nadležnosti, pokretanja i provođenja ovrhe, do obustave, odgode i završetka ovrhe, izvanrednih pravnih lijekova te zastare. Kroz analizu oba zakona, rad ističe nekoliko ključnih razlika u njihovoj provedbi. Prema OZ-u, svaki vjerovnik može pokrenuti ovršni postupak podnošenjem prijedloga sudu ili javnom bilježniku. S druge strane, porezni ovršni postupak prema OPZ-u pokreće isključivo Porezna uprava po službenoj dužnosti, kada porezni obveznici ne podmire svoje obveze. Ova razlika reflektira se i na subjekte postupka – dok prema OZ-u ovrhovoditelji mogu biti bilo koja fizička ili pravna osoba, u OPZ-u to je uvijek porezno tijelo. S obzirom na predmete ovrhe, oba zakona obuhvaćaju slične vrste imovine, uključujući novčane tražbine, nekretnine, pokretnine i imovinska prava. Međutim, OPZ predviđa strožu i bržu naplatu poreznih dugova, dok OZ omogućuje širi spektar mogućnosti za vjerovnike i dužnike u kontekstu civilnih dugova. Osim toga, pravni lijekovi dostupni u oba postupka, iako slični po vrsti, reflektiraju različite pristupe prema pravima vjerovnika i dužnika. OPZ naglašava učinkovitost naplate, dok OZ nudi više prostora za osporavanje i zaštitu dužnika. Zaključno, komparativna analiza pokazuje da, iako OZ i OPZ dijele temeljna načela, njihova provedba odražava različite prioritete – dok je OZ usmjeren na civilne dugove, OPZ je fokusiran na brzu i efikasnu naplatu poreza. Ova analiza može poslužiti kao temelj za unapređenje zakonskih okvira, kako bi se postigla bolja ravnoteža između zaštite prava vjerovnika i dužnika te učinkovitija provedba ovrhe u oba sustava.
Abstract (english) The execution procedure in the Republic of Croatia plays a key role in ensuring the collection of debts owed to creditors in situations where debtors fail to meet their obligations. This thesis analyzes the implementation of execution through two legal frameworks: the Execution Act (EA) and the General Tax Act (GTA). While the EA regulates general civil law relationships between individuals and legal entities, the GTA primarily deals with the collection of tax debts and pertains to obligations of taxpayers. This paper offers a comparative analysis of these laws, focusing on their similarities and differences in the interpretation and execution of execution, with the aim of understanding their impact on creditors and debtors. The introductory part of the thesis provides a historical overview of the development of the execution procedure, from the ecclesiastical courts that resolved debt-related disputes in the Middle Ages to the modernization of the legal system in the 19th century. This historical development has led to more complex and efficient execution methods, allowing for a more humane approach towards debtors. The content of the thesis is organized to simultaneously follow both laws in their normative provisions, from the participants in the procedure, to principles, jurisdiction, initiation and implementation of execution, as well as its suspension, postponement and conclusion, extraordinary legal remedies, and limitation periods. Through the analysis of both laws, the thesis highlights several key differences in their implementation. According to the EA, any creditor can initiate execution proceedings by submitting a proposal to the court or a public notary. In contrast, the tax execution procedure under the GTA is initiated exclusively by the Tax Administration ex officio when taxpayers fail to fulfill their obligations. This difference is also reflected in the parties involved in the procedure – while under the EA, execution creditors can be any natural or legal person, under the GTA, this is always a tax authority. Regarding the subjects of execution, both laws cover similar types of assets, including monetary claims, real estate, movable property, and property rights. However, the GTA provides for stricter and faster collection of tax debts, whereas the EA allows for a broader spectrum of options for creditors and debtors in the context of civil debts. Moreover, the legal remedies available in both procedures, although similar in nature, reflect different approaches to the rights of creditors and debtors. The GTA emphasizes the efficiency of collection, while the EA offers more space for contestation and protection of debtors. In conclusion, the comparative analysis shows that although the EA and the GTA share fundamental principles, their implementation reflects different priorities – while the EA is focused on civil debts, the GTA is aimed at the rapid and effective collection of taxes. This analysis can serve as a basis for improving legal frameworks to achieve a better balance between the protection of creditor and debtor rights and a more effective execution process in both systems.
Keywords (english)
Keywords: execution procedure
tax execution procedure
participants in the execution procedure
subjects and means of execution
initiation and implementation of execution
postponement and suspension of execution
legal remedies in the execution procedure
Study programme Title: Business Administration – MBA; specializations in: Financial Management, Taxes and Business Law, Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Behavioral Economics, Analytical Management Course: Taxes and Business Law Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar poslovnog upravljanja (magistar poslovnog upravljanja)