Abstract | Porezni sustav Sjedinjenih Američkih država je sustav koji se dijeli na federalnu, državnu i lokalnu razinu. Izvori poreznog prava SAD-a na kojima se temelji porezni sustav dijele se na izvore zakonodavne, izvršne i sudske grane. Glavni izvori iz zakonodavne grane su Internal Revenue Code i Congressional Committee Reports, neki od glavnih izvora izvršne grane su propisi o porezu na dohodak (engl. Income Tax Regulations) i Revenue rulings dok su glavni izvor iz područja sudske grane odluke sudova. Što se tiče poreznih obveznika fizičkih osoba, isti se dijele na američke državljane, strance rezidente i strance nerezidente, a rezidentnost im se utvrđuje testom zelene karte ili testom značajne prisutnosti. Porezni obveznici pravne osobe dijele se na obrtnike, C korporacije, partnerstva, S korporacije i međunarodna poduzeća i društva s ograničenom odgovornošću. Na federalnoj razini za prikupljanje poreza te za provođenje poreznih zakona zaduženo je tijelo vlade odnosno ministarstva financija pod nazivom Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Organizacijska struktura IRS-a dijeli se na povjerenika, zamjenika povjerenica za službe i ovrhe te zamjenika povjerenika za operativnu potporu. IRS također se dijeli i na četiri odjela prema vrstama poreznih obveznika, a to su odjeli za velika i međunarodna poduzeća, male tvrtke i samozaposlene, tijela oslobođena od poreza i državna tijela te plaće i ulaganja. Na državnoj i lokalnoj razini za takve su poslove zadužena porezna tijela čiji nazivi variraju ovisno o državi u kojoj se nalaze, npr. Department of Taxation and Finance. Iako se većina poreznih sporova s IRS-om rješava administrativnim putem, ako dođe do pokretanja sporova, za odluke o poreznim pitanjima zaduženi su porezni sudovi koji se dijele na Sud opće nadležnosti, Prizivni sud i Porezni sud. Federalni porezni sustav SAD-a dijeli se na četiri elementa, a oni su: (1) porez na dohodak/dobit pojedinaca, imovinske mase, trustova i korporacija, (2) porez na plaće namijenjen financiranju određenih programa socijalnog osiguranja, (3) porez na ostavinu, darove i prijenos imovine koji preskače generaciju, (4) trošarine na određena dobra i usluge. Najviše sredstava na federalnoj razini prikuplja se od poreza na dohodak. Porezi propisani na državnoj razini ovise o zakonodavstvu države te država nije dužna propisivati, primjerice, državni porez na dohodak. Na državnoj razini najizdašniji oblici poreza su porez na dohodak i porez na potrošnju, dok je na lokalnoj razini najizdašniji oblik poreza porez na imovinu. Na državnim razinama postoje i drugi oblici poreza kao što su porez na marihuanu ili porez na sokove. |
Abstract (english) | The United States tax system is a system divided into federal, state and local levels. The US tax law sources on which the tax system is based are divided into legislative, executive and judicial sources. The main sources from the legislative branch are the Internal Revenue Code and Congressional Committee Reports, some of the main sources from the executive branch are Income Tax Regulations and Revenue rulings, while the main source from the judicial branch are court decisions. In the United States, individual taxpayers are divided into US citizens, resident aliens and non-resident aliens and their residency is determined by the green card test or the substantial presence test. Tax payers as legal persons are divided into sole traders, C corporations, partnerships, S corporations, and international corporations and limited liability companies. At the federal level, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a government agency within the Department of the Treasury responsible for collecting taxes and enforcing tax laws. The organizational structure of the IRS is divided into a Commissioner, a Deputy Commissioner for Services and Authorities, and a Deputy Commissioner for Operational Support. The IRS is also divided into four divisions according to the types of taxpayers and these are the divisions for large and international companies, small companies and self-employed, exempt bodies and government bodies, and salaries and wages. At the state and local level, names of the tax authorities that are responsible for such tasks vary depending on the state in which they are located, for example the Department of Taxation and Finance. Although most tax disputes with the IRS are resolved administratively, if disputes do arise, the tax courts, which are divided into the Court of General Jurisdiction, the Court of Appeals and the Tax Court, are responsible for decisions on tax issues. The US federal tax system is divided into four elements, which are: (1) income/profit tax on individuals, estates, trusts and corporations, (2) payroll tax intended to finance certain social security programs, (3) tax on inheritance, gifts and transfer of property that skips a generation, (4) excise duties on certain goods and services. Most of the funds at the federal level are collected from income tax. Taxes prescribed at the state level depend on state legislation, and the state is not obliged to prescribe, for example, state income tax. At the state level, the most profitable forms of taxation are income tax and consumption tax, while at the local level, the most profitable form of taxation is the property tax. At the state level, there are other forms of taxation such as marijuana tax or soda tax. |
Study programme | Title: Business Administration – MBA; specializations in: Financial Management, Taxes and Business Law, Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Behavioral Economics, Analytical Management Course: Taxes and Business Law Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar poslovnog upravljanja (magistar poslovnog upravljanja) |