Abstract | U posljednjih nekoliko godina, kriptovalute su postale važan financijski instrument te su privukle pažnju brojnih investitora, a njihova vrijednost značajno je porasla. S druge strane, tradicionalni indeksi tržišta kapitala, poput S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average i Nasdaq Composite, predstavljaju važne ekonomske indikatore kao i indikatore kretanja cijena na burzama diljem svijeta. Stoga, istraživanje povezanosti između kriptovaluta i tradicionalnih indeksa tržišta kapitala može doprinijeti u razumijevanju financijskih tržišta i pružiti vrijedne smjernice pri odabiru financijskih instrumenata. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada jest istražiti kako se promjena vrijednosti vodećih indeksa tradicionalnih tržišta kapitala odražava na vrijednosti vodećih kriptovaluta. U tu svrhu, korištenjem kvantitativne metode prikupljeni su podaci sa službenih stranica indeksa i burza kriptovaluta koji su potom analizirani statističkom metodom linearne regresije kako bi se identificirala njihova korelacija. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoji značajna međuovisnost između kriptovaluta i tradicionalnih indeksa tržišta kapitala. Konkretno, promjene vrijednosti vodećih indeksa tradicionalnih tržišta kapitala imaju utjecaj na vrijednost vodećih kriptovaluta, što ukazuje na važnost praćenja kretanja oba tržišta za sve investitore koji žele maksimizirati svoje dobitke. Prvo poglavlje ovog rada je uvod u temu i govori o nastanku kriptovaluta i njihovom značaju u svakodnevnom životu. Drugo poglavlje definira što su to kriptovalute i tehnologiju koja ih pokreće. Ovo poglavlje također pruža kratak osvrt na povijest novca i zašto je ona bitna za razumijevanje kriptovaluta U trećem poglavlju opisuju se vrste kriptovaluta s obzirom na njihovu funkciju, uključujući kriptovalute za očuvanje vrijednosti, pametne ugovore, Oracle kriptovalute, kriptovalute kao sredstvo plaćanja, kriptovalute za privatnost, kriptovalute za razmjenu i "meme" kovanice. U četvrtom poglavlje govori se o tržištima kriptovaluta, uključujući centralizirana, decentralizirana i hibridna tržišta, te o prednostima i nedostacima kripto tržišta. U petom poglavlju identificiraju se vodeće kriptovalute i indeksni fondovi, uključujući Bitcoin, Etherum, Binance, S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average i Nasdaq Composite, a zatim se analizira njihova međuovisnost s tradicionalnim indeksima tržišta kapitala pomoću linearne regresije. U šestom poglavlju opisuje se metoda analize međuovisnosti ključne riječi: kriptovalute, Blockchain tehnologija, tržišta kriptovaluta, ulaganje, vodeće kriptovalute, indeksni fondovi, S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nasdaq Composite, linearna regresija.kriptovaluta i tradicionalnih indeksa tržišta kapitala pomoću linearne regresije te se prikazuju dobiveni rezultati, dok se u završnom sedmom poglavlju iznosi zaključak rada. |
Abstract (english) | In the past few years, cryptocurrencies have become a significant financial instrument, attracting the attention of numerous investors, and their value has significantly increased. On the other hand, traditional market indices, such as S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and Nasdaq Composite, represent important economic indicators and indicators of price movements on exchanges around the world. Therefore, researching the connection between cryptocurrencies and traditional market indices can contribute to a better understanding of financial markets and provide valuable guidance in choosing financial instruments. The goal of this thesis is to explore how changes in the value of leading traditional market indices are reflected in the values of leading cryptocurrencies. For this purpose, data was collected from the official websites of indices and cryptocurrency exchanges using a quantitative method, which was then analysed using the statistical method of linear regression to identify their correlation. The results of the research show that there is a significant interdependence between cryptocurrencies and traditional market indices. Specifically, changes in the value of leading traditional market indices affect the value of leading cryptocurrencies, highlighting the importance of monitoring the movements of both markets for all investors who want to maximize their gains. The first chapter of this thesis is an introduction to the topic, discussing the origin of cryptocurrencies and their significance in everyday life. The second chapter defines what cryptocurrencies are and the technology that powers them, providing a brief overview of the history of money and why it is important for understanding cryptocurrencies. The third chapter describes the types of cryptocurrencies based on their function, including cryptocurrencies for value preservation, smart contracts, Oracle cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, privacy cryptocurrencies, exchange cryptocurrencies, and "meme" coins. The fourth chapter discusses cryptocurrency markets, including centralized, decentralized, and hybrid markets, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of crypto markets. The fifth chapter identifies leading cryptocurrencies and index funds, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance, S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and Nasdaq Composite, and then analyses their interdependence with traditional market indices using linear regression. The sixth chapter describes the method of analysing the interdependence of cryptocurrencies and traditional market indices using linear regression and presents the results obtained, while the final seventh chapter provides the conclusion of the thesis. |
Study programme | Title: Business Administration – MBA; specializations in: Financial Management, Taxes and Business Law, Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Behavioral Economics, Analytical Management Course: Financial Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar poslovnog upravljanja (magistar poslovnog upravljanja) |