Author Zoran Žeželj
Mentor Darija Korkut (mentor)
Granter EFFECTUS university Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-08-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Pristupanje novim tržištima kritičan je izazov za organizacije koje traže daljnji razvoj i rast u trenutku kada preuzimanje tržišnog udjela od konkurenata na lokalnom tržištu postane preskupo. Kako bi uspješno upravljale ovim složenim procesom, organizacije mogu imati koristi od primjene analitičkih tehnika upravljanja, koje im omogućuju donošenje informiranih strateških odluka. Ovaj diplomski rad daje primjer i naglašava važnost implementacije odabranih analitičkih tehnika kako bi se optimizirao način na koji bi Automotive Aftermarket d.o.o., tvrtka iz Hrvatske, koja posluje u industriji rezervnih dijelova za vozila, trebala pristupiti tržištu u Mađarskoj.
Cilj ovog rada je prikazati proces primjene analitičkih tehnika za potrebe donošenja poslovnih odluka, prije i tijekom pristupanja novom tržištu. Proces uključuje četiri ključne faze: odabir preferiranih analitičkih tehnika, analizu i istraživanje ciljanog tržišta, analizu operativnog okruženja i definiranje mogućih ishoda i scenarija koji proizlaze iz donošenja različitih poslovnih odluka. Kroz navedene ključne faze korištene su kvalitativne i kvantitativne metode istraživanja te primijenjene odabrane analitičke tehnike koje uključuju PESTLE i SWOT analizu vanjskog i unutarnjeg okruženja tvrtke, zatim mentalne mape, frakcioniranje i preformulaciju problema za potrebe generiranja ideja o mogućim ishodima određenih situacija. U krajnjoj fazi korištene su tehnike analize korisnosti, analize alternativnih budućnosti, analize konkurentnih hipoteza te tehnika generiranja višestrukih scenarija, kako bi se što detaljnije opisali mogući ishodi donošenja određenih poslovnih odluka.
Rezultat primjene analitičkih tehnika upravljanja su detaljniji i uže definirani mogući ishodi donošenja određenih poslovnih odluka, što je neupitna prednost za menadžment tvrtke u odnosu na iskustvene pretpostavke. Zaključak ovog rada jest da je za tvrtku Automotive Aftermarket d.o.o. isplativo pristupiti novom tržištu u Mađarskoj, koje pokazuje trend rasta, s konkurencijom koja ne djeluje proaktivno.
Ovaj diplomski rad može se koristiti kao predložak za implementaciju analitičkih tehnika upravljanja u svrhu uspješnog pristupanja novim tržištima.
Abstract (english) Entering new markets is a critical challenge for organizations seeking further development and growth at the point when taking over market share from competitors in the local market becomes too expensive. To navigate this complex process successfully, organizations can benefit from employing analytical management techniques, which enable them to make informed strategic decisions. This thesis provides an example and highlights the significance of implementing chosen analytical management techniques in order to optimise the way in which Automotive Aftermarket d.o.o., a company from Croatia operating in the automotive aftermarket industry, should enter the market in Hungary.
The objective of this thesis is to present the process of applying analytical techniques for the purposes of making business decisions, before and during the entry into a new market. The process includes four key stages: selection of preferred analytical techniques, analysis and research of the target market, analysis of the operating environment and definition of possible outcomes and scenarios resulting from making various business decisions. Through the aforementioned key phases, qualitative and quantitative research methods were used and selected analytical techniques were applied, including PESTLE and SWOT analysis of the company's external and internal environment, followed by mental mapping, fractioning and problem reformulation for the purpose of generating ideas about possible outcomes of certain situations. In the final phase, the techniques of utility analysis, analysis of alternative futures, analysis of competing hypotheses, and the technique of generating multiple scenarios were used to describe the possible outcomes of making certain business decisions.
The results of applying analytical management techniques are more detailed and narrowly defined possible outcomes of making certain business decisions, which is an unquestionable advantage for the company’s management compared to empirical assumptions. The conclusion of this thesis is that accessing the new market in Hungary would be a feasible option for Automotive Aftermarket d.o.o., as the market shows a growing trend with competition that does not act proactively.
This thesis can be used as a template for implementing analytical management techniques for the purpose of successfully entering new markets.
Ključne riječi: Industrija autodijelova
novo tržište
analitičke tehnike
poslovno odlučivanje
Keywords (english)
Key words: Automotive aftermarket industry
new market
analytical techniques
business decision making
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:281:362724
Study programme Title: Business Administration – MBA; specializations in: Financial Management, Taxes and Business Law, Human Resources and Knowledge Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management, Behavioral Economics, Analytical Management Course: Creativity, Innovation and Analytical Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar poslovnog upravljanja (magistar poslovnog upravljanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-12-04 08:04:50