Sažetak | Važnost stanovanja kao temeljnog prava i osnovne ljudske potrebe prepoznata je i obuhvaćena međunarodnim i europskim dokumentima unutar kojih se ističe potreba i nužnost osiguranja pristupa prikladnom, sigurnom i priuštivom stanovanju. Posljednjih godina bilježi se porast stambene nepriuštivosti na području gradova Europske unije uslijed smanjenih ulaganja u socijalno stanovanje te sveopće gospodarske, zdravstvene i energetske krize. Iako stambeni sustav predstavlja jedan od ključnih elemenata svake socijalne države, svjedoci smo nemilosrdnoj komodifikaciji stanovanja i špekulativnim pritiscima na tržištu. Takva dinamika kontinuirano stvara izazove, utječe na rast cijena nekretnina, stavlja pritisak na dohodak kućanstava, čime stanovanje gubi status društvenog dobra. S tim u vezi, europske države i gradovi prepoznaju važnost i vlastitu ulogu u zaštiti sektora stanovanja od tržišnih pritisaka te osiguranju pristupa društveno priuštivom stanovanju, stavljajući ga sve više u središe interesa kroz različite inicijative, strategije i modele.
U radu su predstavljeni okviri stambene politike Republike Hrvatske kroz razdoblja socijalizma i neovisne države, kako bi se identificirale osnovne karakteristike i izazovi, ali i detektirala ona područja za koja je potrebno kreirati nova rješenja i istražiti dobre prakse i pristupe ostalih zemalja. Uz to, pružen je i sumaran pregled stanja sustava stanovanja u Europskoj uniji za potrebe izbora države članice kao države najboljih praksi. Austrija je država s višedesetljetnom tradicijom promicanja društveno priuštivog stanovanja, usmjerenom na održavanje ravnoteže između tržišnih snaga i društvenih interesa. Grad Beč se posebno ističe kao grad s uspješnim modelom pristupa priuštivom stanovanju, gdje se značajan udio stanogradnje izvodi putem stambenih udruga s ograničenom dobiti i veliki postotak stanovništva zbrinjava kroz priuštivi najam u stanovima u vlasništvu grada. Brojni alati za razvoj održivog i priuštivog stanovanja, kao i dijeljenje istih pravnih korijena te povijesna povezanost Austrije i Hrvatske koja je neminovno utjecala na oblikovanje struktura i koncepcija te tumačenje instituta, čine Austriju prikladnom referencom za kreiranje preporuka usmjerenih na strukturiranje javne stambene politike te formiranje posebnih ciljeva u području stanovanja. Dubinskom analizom stambene politike grada Beča uočio se veliki potencijal za preslikavanjem njegova modela priuštivog stanovanja na hrvatske gradove, s naglaskom na važnost uključivanja privatnih investicija u realizaciju priuštivih stambenih jedinica te stavljanje socijalne funkcije stanovanja u središte stambenih i urbanih politika. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The importance of housing as a fundamental right and basic human need is recognized and covered by international and European documents that highlight the need and necessity of ensuring access to suitable, safe, and affordable housing. In recent years, there has been an increase in housing unaffordability in the cities of the European Union due to reduced investments in social housing and the general economic, health, and energy crisis. Although the housing system is one of the key elements of every welfare state, we are witnessing the relentless commodification of housing and speculative pressures on the market. Such dynamics continuously create challenges, affect the growth of real estate prices, and put pressure on the income of households, as a result of which housing loses its status as a social good. In this regard, European states and cities recognize the importance and their own role in protecting the housing sector from market pressures and ensuring access to affordable housing, placing it increasingly in the center of interest through various initiatives, strategies, and models.
The paper presents the framework of the housing policy of the Republic of Croatia through the periods of socialism and independent state, in order to identify the basic characteristics and challenges, but also to create new solutions and to investigate good practices and approaches of other countries. In addition, a summary overview of the state of the housing system in the European Union was provided for the purposes of choosing a member state as a state of best practices. Austria is a country with a decades-long tradition of promoting affordable housing. The city of Vienna stands out as a city with a successful model of access to affordable housing, where a significant proportion of housing construction is carried out through housing associations with limited profits, and a large percentage of the population is cared for through affordable rent in apartments owned by the city. Numerous tools for the development of sustainable and affordable housing, as well as the sharing of the same legal roots and the historical connection between Austria and Croatia, which inevitably influenced the shaping of structures and concepts and the interpretation of institutes, make Austria a suitable reference for creating recommendations aimed at structuring public housing policy and forming special goals in the area of housing. An in-depth analysis of the housing policy of the city of Vienna revealed great potential for copying its model of affordable housing to Croatian cities, with an emphasis on the importance of including private investments in the realization of affordable housing units and putting the social function of housing at center of housing and urban policies. |