Sažetak | Svrha ovog rada je prikazati institut prava vlasništva i prikazati načine zaštite prava vlasništva u Republici Hrvatskoj temeljem važećih zakona, Ustava Republike Hrvatske, te Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda kojom je Europski sud za ljudska prava zadnja instanca. Odluke u postupcima određivanja ili utvrđivanja prava vlasništva u nadležnosti su sudova ili upravnih tijela, te način na koji se to isto može pobijati je podnošenjem žalbe na rješenje upravnog tijela, ili u postupovnom procesu pred sudom – tužbom. Povijesno, začeci tužbi za zaštitu vlasništva proizašli su iz perioda Rimskog Carstva, te iz tog razdoblja vuku i sadašnja imena. Tako postoji prava vlasnička tužba (rei vindicatio) odnosno tužba vlasnika protiv osobe koja posjeduje njegovu stvar, tužba predmnijevanog vlasnika (actio publiciana), tužba predmnijevanog vlasnika za povrat stvari koji traži povrat stvari koja je kod drugog u posjedu, te prava vlasnička tužba za prestanak uznemiravanja (actio negatoria). Ova posljednja je tužba vlasnika koji traži od osobe koja mu nije oduzela posjed stvari, niti osporava pravo vlasništva, već ga na drugi način bespravno uznemirava u izvršavanju pravne vlasti koja mu kao vlasniku stvari pripada. Osim tih tužbi postoji i vlasnikova brisovna tužba radi nevaljalog upisa u zemljišnu knjigu. Valja i naglasiti razliku između vlasničke tužbe i tužbe za utvrđenje prava vlasništva koje se razlikuju obzirom na sadržaj zahtjeva. Vlasnička tužba se može podići samo u slučaju postojanja pravnog interesa tužitelja i njome se vlasnik štiti od osporavanja vlasništva koje se ne sastoji u oduzimanju predmeta vlasništva ili drugog uznemiravanja koje se štiti vlasničkim zahtjevom. Prikazan je i institut dosjelosti, kao način stjecanja prava vlasništva te pravna problematika sudova kojim je finalno tumačenje dao Europski sud za ljudska prava. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The purpose of this paper is to show the institute of property rights and to show the ways of legal protecting property in the Republic of Croatia based on the current laws, the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which is the last instance in the European Court of Human Rights. Resolutions in procedures for determining or establishing property rights are within the jurisdiction of courts or administrative bodies, and the way in which the same can be contested is by appealing the decision of the administrative body, or in a procedural process before the court - a lawsuit. Historically, the beginnings of lawsuits for the protection of property came from the period of the Roman Empire, and that is where the current names come from. Thus, there is a real ownership claim (rei vindicatio), a claim by the owner against the person who owns his thing, a claim by the presumptive owner (actio publiciana), a claim by the presumptive owner for the return of the thing who seeks the return of the thing that is in the possession of another, and a right claim by the owner for termination harassment (actio negatoria) is a lawsuit by the owner who demands from a person who did not take away his possession of the thing, nor contest the right of ownership, but in another way unlawfully harasses him in the consuming of the legal authority that belongs to him as the owner of the thing. In addition to these lawsuits, there is also the owner's cancellation lawsuit due to an invalid entry in the land register. It should also be mentioned the difference between a ownership lawsuit and a lawsuit for the determination of ownership, which differ to the content of the request, an ownership lawsuit can only be filed for legal interest, and it protects the owner from contesting ownership, which does not consist in confiscating the object of ownership or other harassment that is protected by a proprietary claim. The institute of usucaption are also presented, as a way of acquiring property rights, and the legal issue of the courts, which gave the final interpretation by the European Court of Human Rights. |
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